Queen Emma of Normandy Part 2

History generally remembers Emma of Normandy as the wife of King Cnut and the mother of the last Anglo-Saxon King of England, Edward the Confessor. However, Emma’s life, as with most Queens, was so much more than the wife and mother of Kings. 

Join Johanna Strong as she interviews Steven Bishop about Emma’s amazing life and discover how Winchester became Emma’s final resting place.

Steven Bishop is a PhD candidate in the History Department at the University of Essex, researching how problematic statues can be handled. Steven is also a member of History Indoors, an organisation which has provided free weekly/fortnightly online history talks on topics ranging from the American Civil War to Lady Godiva. To discover more, please see the History Indoors YouTube channel History Indoors - YouTube.

Johanna Strong is no stranger when it comes to Queens of England, having completed her PhD on Mary I at the University of Winchester. Her research has been featured in two Winchester Heritage Open Days “Hampshire HistBites” episodes, on the Team Queens blog, with Tudors Dynasty, on the Tudor Society site, on the Talking Tudors podcast and most recently in a series for Winchester Cathedral. Her first chapter was published in early 2022 in Valerie Schutte and Jessica S. Hower’s Writing Mary I: History, Historiography, and Fiction. If you would like to follow her research, she can be found on Twitter @jo_strong_, Instagram @_johanna.strong_ and at her Linktree

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