Volunteer — Winchester Heritage Open Days

Join the team

Here in Winchester we have a small team of local volunteers who work together to host a podcast channel as well as to continually encourage more organisations to open their doors and run events. The team also curate the website, social media, run an online box office and produce the printed programme and press releases alongside fundraising and supporting new and existing event organisers. 

Heritage Open days volunteer (Photographer Becky).JPG
Winchester HODS teddy
Key in a lock

There is plenty of work to be done behind the scenes every year, from podcasting to festival administration to communications and fundraising. We also need festival stewards at venues. We have volunteers who help us 2 to 3 days a week, others who help for just a few hours and a few who only volunteer during the festival itself.

Vacancies are listed at the bottom of this page but we are happy to take on volunteers year round as there are always opportunities for individuals who are organised, are polite and professional, and able to work in a team along side people at all levels. Currently everyone works from home, with regular team meetings are on Zoom and occasional in-person sessions. Some roles require the ability to work under pressure and previous experience in a festival or administrative environment, but other roles just need a willingness to learn and to “pitch in” as required!

So if you love community festivals and/or podcasts, and are prepared to commit your time and passion for heritage and history we’d be delighted to hear from you.


Are you passionate about bringing history to life? Have you got some time to help us do this? We are looking for people like you to join our board of Trustees. To find out more click here or email us at info@hampshirehistorytrust.com for an information pack and application form.


Hampshire History Trust (HHT) (the home of Winchester HODs) are recruiting! Volunteers needed urgently to help with Fundraising, Social Media, General & Website Admin and Events:

  • General volunteers/stewards - to support our own events but also where Hampshire History Trust has a presence/stand - e.g. volunteering fairs and other heritage events.

  • Fundraising - This area needs several volunteers with different skills appropriate to each area of fundraising. The team will also need someone to manage it and will have a trustee to oversee.

    • Grant applications and funding letters (potentially two or more volunteers with good research, communication and writing skills, ability to work to a deadline, and an attention to detail)

    • Fundraising Manager - Someone with necessary skills and/or experience to manage a team. To also work with board treasurer re: donations and lead trustee for fundraising to identify and follow through opportunities for funding.

    • Events Manager (Talks, etc) - someone with events experience who has a clear vision and strong ideas which are supported by the board. They must have the ability and time to see these through from start to finish, and the skills needed to manage a team of volunteers for each event.

  • Social Media Manager - to lead/manage a team for social media posts on fundraising, HHT, HODs and other events. Experience essential in writing/planning/scheduling content on WHODs & HHT Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts.

Hampshire History Trust is seeking Trustees to join its board