“NEWSFLASH - Further to the December update set out below, we are delighted to share we are now able to produce a printed programme and run a box office this year. More information will be shared soon.”
As many of you know there is no central funding for the festival, and the coordinating team are all unpaid volunteers, consequently Winchester Heritage Open Days has been completely dependent upon the two lead volunteers time and availability, as well as the sponsorship and grants from local organisations. This set up has worked incredibly well for the past four years but, we are sure you will agree, it is not sustainable.
Nicky and Becky are not disappearing!
So for the past eighteen months Nicky and Becky have, alongside running the 2019 festival, also been exploring other options with our key partners. Unfortunately, they have not been able to find a robust solution in time for 2020 and so whilst there will still be events next year they will be fewer in number and they won't be centrally organised or promoted.
Instead next year they will be turning their attention to fundraising for a much needed festival manager and will be seeking widespread support and help with sponsorship, venues, gala dinners and more. This change of direction is essential if we are to make sure we have a sustainable framework in place for 2021 and beyond.
We will still issue our regular newsletters, and so will continue to keep you posted on our progress as well as events. We will also be keeping our website and social media active although, as we are sure you will appreciate, for one year at least, these will be at a much reduced level. We hope to provide a holding page on our website showing which events will be taking place. In addition, the City Council has offered to list events on their pages in 2020. So still make a note of the dates in your diary!